Monthly Archives: February 2010

SSL certificates for namebased virtual hosts

I have read a post on Waffel’s Blog how you can setup a certificate for multiple namebased servers on Apache. It is simple to manage within Eisfair.

  • Choose “Service Administration” -> “Certs service” and select “Manage certificates”.
  • Now enter “1” for key type and choose your webserver.
  • Select “11” to create a new certificate request. The request will be stored to /usr/local/ssl/csr/apache.csr.
  • Open another terminal and switch to /usr/local/ssl
  • Create an extension file extension.txt using vi, as described in Waffel’s blog and enter your server names at the end.
  • Execute openssl x509 -req -days 365 -in apache.csr -signkey private/apache.key -out newcerts/apache.crt -extfile extension.txt -extensions mydomain_http
  • Select “14” (Manage certificates) to create a .pem file from the new certificate.
  • Use apache as SSL_CERT_NAME on the Apache configuration for every virtual server which you have included into extension.txt

Database abstraction

Today I’m working again on the database abstraction layer of PhOSCo.NG. It should be possible to recognize a lost database connection to provide information about this event to the user. It isn’t a trivial problem, because every JDBC operation can stop with such an error. Every database management system implements that as a special error code, so the implementation must be datastore-specific. Damn!

Hibiscus and cyberJack

I have had problems with Hibiscus and a HBCI cyberJack card reader from ReinerSCT. The application has crashed every time I had synchronized more than one account. I’m using Fedora 10 on a 64bit system and it comes with some CTAPI drivers as RPM. But the driver version is 1.1, the current version from ReinerSCT is 3.3.5beta1. Simply remove the old driver RPMs with Yum, they are buggy!

I have tried to compile the source of the current drivers, but I have got a “Neither HAL nor USB1 found!. Please install at least either of them.”. You can install the hal-devel and the libusb-devel RPMs with Yum to solve that problem. After “make” and “make install” it is now possible to synchronize all bank accounts without any crashes 🙂 Server

The server is up and running!

