Monthly Archives: July 2012

Problem with DescriptorEventAdapter and EJBContext

If you have an AuditListener for your EclipseLink entities, you may have a problem to get the name of the current user at this level. You could use the InitialContext.lookup("java:comp/EJBContext") method, but it fails on my application. Another way is to use a servlet filter.

Define a filter class within your web.xml:



Implement a singleton enum, which stores a ThreadLocal variable to hold the current principal object.

public enum PrincipalSingleton {

	private ThreadLocal<Principal> principal = new ThreadLocal<Principal>();

	public Principal get() {
		return principal.get();

	public void set(Principal user) {

Set the current principal within the filter.

public class PrincipalServletFilter
	implements Filter {

	public void destroy() {

	public void doFilter(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response, FilterChain chain)
		throws IOException, ServletException {
		PrincipalSingleton.INSTANCE.set(((HttpServletRequest) request).getUserPrincipal());
		chain.doFilter(request, response);

	public void init(FilterConfig config)
		throws ServletException {

And finally use the principal within your audit class.

	private Principal getPrincipal() {
		return PrincipalSingleton.INSTANCE.get();