WebObjects and GWT

Today I had the idea, that I could use GWT (Google WebToolkit) together with WebObjects. I’m not a HTML programmer, so my webpages are not really nice. It would be better to develop Javacode and put the web components together with a framework.

On the internet I found a tool to combine WebObjects and GWT: WOGWT.

First I downloaded the GWT plugin for Eclispe 4.6: Install instructions.

First problem could be: the GWT version is now 2.7, but the WOGWT uses 2.5?

Download the WOGWT latest version 0.6 and unzip it into /home/arothe/Libraries/WOnder/Library/Frameworks. Now it is time for a simple Hello World example project. I created a new WebObject Application within Eclipse and added the new WOGWT framework to the build path.

The application doesn’t start, I have to add both ERExtensions and ERJars framework.

Now I have to set the path to the GWT SDK within the Eclipse preferences. But it doesn’t work, because there is not “tools” folder. I think, that is the time to download the whole SDK.

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