This method is very simple, it gets the NSArray<String> with class name and method name of the resource class. And it translates the data into an array of three Objects. The third object will be the Class for the given class name.
public Object[] getRequestActionClassAndNameForPath(@SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") NSArray requestHandlerPath) {
String requestActionClassName = (String) requestHandlerPath.objectAtIndex(0);
String requestActionName = (String) requestHandlerPath.objectAtIndex(1);
return new Object[] { requestActionClassName, requestActionName, _NSUtilities.classWithName(requestActionClassName) };
The method name will be called “actionName”, because the normal behaviour of WODirectActionHandler adds the term “Action” at the end of the method name and looks for such a method within the class. But we don’t longer support that.
The method implementation is exact the same as in ERRest.