Center Panel on Screen

To display a panel on the screen you often use such code:


I need a panel, which will be displayed on the center of the browser window. To get this, I create a div within the HTML page, which loads my GXT3 application:

<div id="gxt-app" class="center">

Within the GXT application I reference this div now:


I don’t know, how the size of myPanel is, so we have to create a little CSS snippet to calculate the size and move the div into the center of the browser window:

.center {
position: fixed;
top: 50%;
left: 50%;
transform: translate(-50%, -50%);

Copy a project from SVN repository to another

Sometimes I program some stuff at home but I need it later on my work office. It is necessary to move the project from my private SVN repository to the work repository. I need all the revisions, not only the latest one.

First at all, I have to dump the project at home:

# svnadmin dump path/to/home/svn > repository.dmp

The path/to/home/svn must be a local path, so you have to work on the repository machine (you cannot use svn+ssh etc.). The dump contains now the whole repository, all revisions. So it can be huge. To filter the relevant project there is a tool called svndumpfilter.

# cat repository.dmp | svndumpfilter --drop-empty-revs --renumber-revs include /path/name_of_the_project/in/svn > project.dmp

You have to use the case-sensitive project name (inclusive the parent folder names within SVN). Now copy the project.dmp to the SVN repository server on your work office. Again you have to work on the repository machine to use a local file path.

To load the project use:

# svnadmin load --ignore-uuid /path/to/work/svn < project.dmp

This will import the project on the root folder / of the repository. It contains all the folders and subfolders of the source repository, where the project was located there. So if your original project path was


the destination path will be


too. To prevent overwriting existing stuff, you can use the --parent-dir switch during the load operation:

# svnadmin load --ignore-uuid --parent-dir /projects/phosco/examples /path/to/work/svn < project.dmp

So the resulting path will be


You have to move the imported project on the right position later. If you have tested the command above, you have seen an error. This is a problem of the source folder of the project, it doesn’t exist on the destination repository. Before you can load the project dump, you have to create the base folder:

svn mkdir -m "Creating new project layout." file:///path/to/work/svn/projects/phosco/examples/projects

You have to use an URI to access the repository with svn. You cannot use the local path as with svnadmin. It is necessary to create only the first component of the project path (not the deeper subfolders):

Location on the source SVN:

Build on the destination SVN:

Together with the parent-dir of the destination repository you have to create a folder

Now you can load the project into the destination repository:

# svnadmin load --ignore-uuid --parent-dir /projects/phosco/examples /path/to/work/svn < project.dmp

The last step it the move of the newly imported project to the correct place within the destination repository:

svn move -m "move the imported project to the right location" file:///path/to/work/svn/projects/phosco/examples/projects/webobjects/example file:///path/to/work/svn/projects/phosco/examples/new-example

Mirror mailing list

To mirror the current Webobjects mailing list, you can use

cd /tmp
wget -N -np -r -l3 -nc

You will get a directory tree, which is searchable with

grep -Hr "needle"

Webobjects application deployment on Java1.7 server

My first WebObjects application runs now within Eclipse, and I use the context menue “WO Lips Ant Tools”->”Install” to create a deployable archive. But my target server has only Java 1.7, my Eclipse runs on Java 1.8. The server will not use the compiled classes, because of the wrong major.minor class file version.

Before you rebuild frameworks, close Eclipse!

The frameworks of WebObjects/WOnder are compiled with Ant during the installation process. You can found them within /home/arothe/WODevelopment/Libraries/WOnder (which is my HOME) and there are some copies of the frameworks:

1. ${HOME}/Libraries/WOnder/Root
2. ${HOME}/Libraries/WOnder/Library/Frameworks
3. ${HOME}/Libraries/WOnder/Library/WebObjects/lib
4. wo.server.root

If you build the WOnder frameworks with Ant on the commandline, they will be built on 1.
If you install the WOnder frameworks with Ant on the commandline, they will be installed on 2. and 3. and a copy is also created on wo.server.root (i.e. /tmp/WebObjects)

It could be a good idea to remove all old frameworks from these locations before rebuilding. To build/install the frameworks, Ant will use the default Java installation, which is on my Development system Java1.8. But you can find on /home/arothe/WODevelopment/WonderSource/Build/build/ three properties, which define the expected Java version


These are the defaults for WOnder6, WOnder7 needs Java 1.8, so it could be better to downgrade the WOnder version for the Java1.7 target system (checkout the latest tag/release for Wonder6 on GitHub):

cd ${HOME}
rm -rf WonderSource
git clone WonderSource
cd WonderSource
git checkout tags/wonder-6.1.5

Now build the frameworks and install them.

cd ${HOME}
cd WonderSource
ant -Duser.home=/home/arothe/WODevelopment/Libraries/WOnder frameworks frameworks.install

This creates the frameworks on the four locations above. The current user must have write access to wo.server.root, otherwise you will get a build error.

Now reopen Eclipse and rebuild the project. There shouldn’t be any errors. To create the archives for the application, Eclipse will use Ant, which runs again on Java1.8. First, remove the old archives from the locations:

1. ${HOME}/Libraries/WOnder/Library/WebObjects/Applications/${projectname}-Application.tar.gz
2. ${HOME}/Libraries/WOnder/Library/WebObjects/Applications/${projectname}-WebServerResources.tar.gz
3. ${HOME}/Libraries/WOnder/Library/WebObjects/Applications/${projectname}.woa
4. ${HOME}/Libraries/WOnder/Library/WebObjects/Applications/Split/WebObjects/${projectname}.woa
5. ${PROJECT}/dist/*

Now rebuild the archives with a right-click on the projectname within Eclipse and “WO Lips Ant Tools”->”Install”. Then copy the tar.gz files to the server and decompress the *-Application.tar.gz i.e. on /opt/Apple/Local/Library/WebObjects/Applications, which creates a new folder ${projectname}.woa.

cd /opt/Apple/Local/Library/WebObjects/Applications/${projectname}.woa

It should start the application (or give some hints, which is wrong).

To find the location for the second archive (${projectname}-WebServerResources.tar.gz), which the install process generates, you should look into your WebObjects configuration of the Apache webserver. There is a .conf file, which contains the property “WebObjectsDocumentRoot”. Decompress the archive into the subdirectory WebObjects of the configured directory (i.e. WebObjectsDocumentRoot=/var/www/html, decompress into /var/www/html/WebObjects).

You should check your JDBC driver classes (and also all other 3rd party JARs), that they have the correct class version (compiled with 1.7 instead of 1.8).

Move object between EditingContexts

I have created an EnterpriseObject and have registered it on the default EditingContext.

MyObject my = MyObject.createMyObject(session.defaultEditingContext(), "Foo");

Now, the object is related to this EditingContext. If I create another EOEditingContext and try to use the MyObject instance there as part of a relation, it will go wrong.

EOEditingContext ec = new EOEditingContext();
AnotherObject xyz = AnotherObject.createAnotherObject(ec, my, "Bar");

This produces an exception:

Cannot obtain globalId for an object which is registered in an other than the databaseContext's active editingContext

The problem is, that the instance of MyObject is not known within the second EOEditingContext. To correct that, the MyObject class has a method localInstanceIn(), which you can call:

EOEditingContext ec = new EOEditingContext();
AnotherObject xyz = AnotherObject.createAnotherObject(ec, my, "Bar");

Derby JDBC

On a Linux with SystemD you can use the following service file (Derby has been installed on /opt/db-derby-

Description=Apache Derby Database Network Server

ExecStart=/usr/bin/java -Dderby.system.home=/var/lib/derby org.apache.derby.drda.NetworkServerControl start
ExecStop=/usr/bin/java -Dderby.system.home=/var/lib/derby org.apache.derby.drda.NetworkServerControl shutdown


Copy this file to /usr/lib/systemd/system as apache-derby.service and execute as root:

# systemctl enable apache-derby.service
# systemctl start apache-derby.service

The databases will be generated at /var/lib/derby.

To test the Derby server start the ij tool:

# cd /opt/db-derby-
# ij

CONNECT 'jdbc:derby://localhome:1527/atest;create=true';

The database atest should be generated within /var/lib/derby/atest. If there is an error, check your apache-derby service and your local firewall (open port 1527).

To use the database server within EOModeler you can set:

database url:      jdbc:derby://<server>:1527/<database name>
JDBC library:      derbyclient.jar
JDBC driver class: org.apache.derby.jdbc.ClientDriver

User Management

Per default Derby doesn’t need an user to access a database. To enable user authentication you should add an user with full access to the database:

# ij

CONNECT 'jdbc:derby://localhome:1527/atest';
CALL SYSCS_UTIL.SYSCS_SET_DATABASE_PROPERTY('derby.user.<an username>', '<a password>');
CALL SYSCS_UTIL.SYSCS_SET_DATABASE_PROPERTY('derby.database.fullAccessUsers', '<an username>');
CALL SYSCS_UTIL.SYSCS_SET_DATABASE_PROPERTY('derby.connection.requireAuthentication', 'true');

If you define an user, you will have to enable the authentication mode for Derby too. Restart the apache-derby.service to enable the authentication after the calls above. Now it is necessary to provide username and password for this specific database “atest” within EOModeler.

The new JDBC url toconnect with ij would be:

CONNECT 'jdbc:derby://<server>:1527/<database name>;user=<username>;password=<secret>';

Oracle JDBC

The URL:


The driver:


WebObject questions

Q: How I can change the templates of Java files, which Eclipse creates for a new WebObject Application?
A: I found the template files within the Eclipse plugin folder:
/home/arothe/WODevelopment/Tools/eclipse-java-neon-3/plugins/org.objectstyle.wolips.templateengine_4.6.20170831.10/ProjectTemplates/<project type>/Sources/__basePackage_folder__
There it is possible to add the changed _isSupportedDevelopmentPlatform() method for Linux.

Q: How I can add actions or keys to a component?
A: Hold down the STRG key and click with the left mouse button on the name of the action/key within the WOD file view. This will add Java code to the associated Java file if the implementation doesn’t exist, or it will navigate you to the method in the Java file.

Q: Which bindings are possible for a component?
A: Open the WOD-file and click on a component entry. Press CTRL+Space to open a list of valid properties. Another method is to open the view “Bindings” of WOLips.

Q: How I can set the WebObjects and WOnder API Docs to get a mouse over help in Eclipse?
A: The JavaDocs are linked on All libraries, which you can add to the project build path, have a property called javadoc, which is set by WOLips to the content of wo.api.root (defined within So the best way would be to mirror the necessary JavaDoc files into that directory. Try to use:

# cd /home/arothe/WODevelopment/Libraries/WOnder/Developer/Documentation
# wget -nH --cut-dirs=2 --no-parent --recursive --level=inf --page-requisites --wait=1 --reject-regex='index.html\?(.*)'

It is not possible to use the URL direct as JavaDoc location on the build path, it will be overwritten by WOLips with the configured wo.api.root entry. The property must be a valid filesystem folder, an URL is not allowed. So the simplest solution is to copy all files into a local folder.

Q: How I can display the content of a database table within a web page?
A: It is possible to display multiple records with WORepetition. There you can set a list of records (as NSArray or List, which comes back from a Database query). The attribute “item”is the current record within the table. So you can refer to it on a click or something. For every attribute of the EnterpriseObject you have to use e.g. a WOString, the “value”is mapped to item.attribute. You can also use a method within the page component class, which translates the DB attribute into a huma-readable value.

WebObjects and GWT

Today I had the idea, that I could use GWT (Google WebToolkit) together with WebObjects. I’m not a HTML programmer, so my webpages are not really nice. It would be better to develop Javacode and put the web components together with a framework.

On the internet I found a tool to combine WebObjects and GWT: WOGWT.

First I downloaded the GWT plugin for Eclispe 4.6: Install instructions.

First problem could be: the GWT version is now 2.7, but the WOGWT uses 2.5?

Download the WOGWT latest version 0.6 and unzip it into /home/arothe/Libraries/WOnder/Library/Frameworks. Now it is time for a simple Hello World example project. I created a new WebObject Application within Eclipse and added the new WOGWT framework to the build path.

The application doesn’t start, I have to add both ERExtensions and ERJars framework.

Now I have to set the path to the GWT SDK within the Eclipse preferences. But it doesn’t work, because there is not “tools” folder. I think, that is the time to download the whole SDK.

WebObjects & WOnder Examples (2)

It runs out of the box, no changes necessary.

Add the frameworks ERCoreBusinessLogic and ERJavaMail to the project build path within Eclipse.

Add the frameworks ERCoreBusinessLogic and ERJavaMail to the project build path.

Add the frameworks ERCoreBusinessLogic, ERJavaMail, ERDirectToWeb, JavaDirectToWeb, JavaDTWGeneration and JavaEOProject to the build path. Another important point is the usage of Microsoft fonts like “Times” during the report generation. This results in an exception on my Linux machine. So I have to install the “mscorefonts” package first. Some Linux distributions don’t provide such a package, look around on the Internet to find an installer or something.

On CentOS7 this will work:

# su -
# yum install curl cabextract xorg-x11-font-utils fontconfig
# yum install
# exit

It runs out of the box, no build path changes necessary. But the Captcha framework contains an error. It cannot create JPEGs for the Captcha. Currently I cannot find a solution, I opened an issue on GitHub.

It runs out of the box, no changes necessary.

It runs out of the box, no changes necessary.