Daily Archives: February 27, 2019

Step 7: CORS

Browsers implement a mechanism called Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS). If your application (client) runs on a domain A, it is only possible to send requests on a domain B with a small set of HTTP verbs.

The domains (origins) differ in domain-name, protocol, and port, so i.e. it will not be possible to send DELETE requests from https://my-domain:443 (where the GUI resides) to https://my-domain:8000 (where we will find the web-service). Some simple non-destructive requests like GETs are possible.

Because of our own Content-Type header, our framework will run out of the CORS safelist and our client will not play with our webservice also for simple GET requests.

So we have to implement the mechanism of preflight requests. The browser will send an OPTIONS request just before the real request to the webservice. The webservice must dis-/allow the requested action and send these information as response to the OPTIONS preflight request. Then the browser will send the real request.

CORS on ERRest

ERRest implements the CORS mechanism within the ERXRouteController.optionsAction(). It is a public method, so every sub-class can overwrite the default implementation.

Some global properties control the access:

This can be set to “*” (for all) or a list of specific origins. The content of the property will be set as value of the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header within the response.

The default value of this property is “OPTIONS,GET,HEAD,POST,PUT,DELETE,TRACE,CONNECT”. If you set the property to “” or null, the current requested method will be allowed! The content of the property will be set as value of the Access-Control-Allow-Methods header within the response.

The property contains a comma-separated list of the allowed request headers. If you set the property to “” or null, the requested headers will be allowed! The content of the property will be set as value of the Access-Control-Allow-Headers header within the response.

The property contains a value in seconds for how long the response to the preflight request can be cached for without sending another preflight request. The default value is 1728000 (20 days). The content of the property (must be greater or equals than 0) will be set as value of the Access-Control-Max-Age header within the response

The values will be retrieved by four methods, which are protected and could be overwritten by the sub-classes of ERXRouteController.